
Case Report

Acute Kidney Injury due to spontaneous Atheroembolic disease, superimposed on diabetic nephropathy, with no recent vascular or cardiac intervention, presented as Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis (RPGN)

Anas Diab*, Parravani Anthony, Hollie Berryman and Kareem Diab

Published: 14 July, 2021 | Volume 5 - Issue 2 | Pages: 053-055

Atheroembolic disease (AED), or Cholesterol Crystals Embolism, is a systemic disease presented as a complication of severe atherosclerosis [1], where older age, male sex, diabetes hypercholesterolemia, smoking and hypertension [2], are the main risk factors for the development of Atherosclerosis, it is known that spontaneous atherosclerotic renal disease is rare in the absence of any vascular intervention [3], and in the absence of anticoagulant [4], or the absence of calcified aorta, with the most common presentation of the disease is subacute kidney injury progress into renal dysfunction occurs in like a staircase pattern and the renal dysfunction is usually observed several weeks after a possible intervention, caused by dislodging the micro cholesterol plaques from a major artery, and start showering multiple organs causing micro and macro embolic phenomena.

In our case, we report acute kidney injury on a previously stable kidney disease in a female with diabetes mellitus type 2 presented with severe anemia, dyspnea, massive fluid overload with bilateral pleural effusion, patient had a history of multiple IV contrast exposures, with peripheral vascular occlusive disease (PVOD), required amputation of right below the knee amputation, presented during the COVID-19 pandemic, found with nephrotic syndrome, a kidney biopsy has shown cholesterol crystal embolization compatible with Athero-embolic Disease with severe Diabetic Nephropathy.

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  3. Nickol J, Richards T, Mullins J. Cholesterol Embolization Syndrome From Penetrating Aortic Ulcer. Cureus 2020; 12: e8670. PubMed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7370687/
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