Figure 2

Convalescent plasma therapy in aHUS patient with SARS-CoV-2 infection

Emma Diletta Stea*, Virginia Pronzo, Francesco Pesce, Marco Fiorentino, Adele Mitrotti, Vincenzo Di Leo, Cosma Cortese, Annalisa Casanova, Sebastiano Nestola, Flavia Capaccio and Loreto Gesualdo

Published: 22 April, 2022 | Volume 6 - Issue 1 | Pages: 036-039


Figure 2:

A) Chest X-ray revealed signs of polysegmental bilateral viral pneumonia with multiple ground glass opacity areas (11/04/2020) B) Chest X-ray (11/09/2020) disclosed a decrease of the pleural effusion on the right. C) The chest X-ray (12/23/2020) revealed a complete resolution of SARS-CoV-2 -pneumonia.

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